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with Emsolation Extra

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Hi Em and Michael, What ridiculous things has someone tricked you into doing or believing? Cheers, Anna

Favourite people in the world

Who wld you invite dead or alive if you were… (1) hosting a formal dinner, (2) backyard BBQ, (3) *All night rager(*all night being as long as you can be bothered obvs)

Superbowl ad

Hi Em and Michael, If you were given a one minute as slot during the Super Bowl, what would you fill it with? Cheers, Anna

Em & Michael Quick Fire "Would you rather".

1. Would you rather have no eyebrows or no eyelashes? 2. Say you had to go into battle one day, would you rather have a pack of 10 wolves by your side, or a swarm of 2,000 bees? 3. Would you rather join a cult or never speak to anyone again? 4.Would you rather have to dye your hair a different colour every week or never be able to wash it? 5. Would you rather eat chocolate that tastes like poo, or poo that tastes like chocolate? Love Emsolator Tarin x

Home Renos

Do you have any more plans for your home. Can we get an update on the garden?