Ask Me Anything

with Emsolation Extra

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Text msg

I know it's personal, but listening to today's ep (marriage diaries reunion special part 2), I would love to know what Scott's first text msg to you after your press club address said ♥️

Marriage, teenage sex and lies..?

Hi Em and Michael, follow up question please after listening to Ask Em & Michael #9, I have a 16 yo daughter (year 11) who I have same situation of sleep overs with boyfriend that I was hesitant about at first but realised my own internalised misogyny and have allowed her to stay at his place. But my husband, her dad is completely opposed, and therefore I have lied to him about where she is.. advice, should i tell him, keep lying, ignore it?

Radio days

Hey em! I know you probably won’t be able to answer this even behind the pay wall … but I didn’t find you and your community until 2019 when you brought out emsolation and have some questions from your life before the podcast. I have heard you mention trauma from a certain person (DUH DUH DUH - if you like) during your radio days - but always very vague about the details. I want to know more … what happened? Who happened? Why do you have trauma from this? I don’t mean to be a sticky beak but I also want these saucy details Mwa

Why doesn't Em ever talk about her sister?

Hi Em I hope this isn't too personal a question, but I'm just curious about your relationship dynamic with your sister? If I remember correctly from your book, you have a younger sister, but I find it interesting that you never really speak about her on your podcast. I think this stands out to me because I am exceptionally close to my sister, and all the sisters in my large extended family are also exceptionally close. You are so very generous when sharing stories and talking about your parents, Scott and the kids, it just made me curious about the kind of relationship you have with your sister and how involved you are in each other's lives. I appreciate that not everyone is close to all the members of their immediate family, and I am also aware that there may be sensitive reasons why you can't answer this question publicly, but given the title of the pocast eps is 'Ask me anything' I thought I'd ask anyway.

Body posi-fake :(

Hi Em & Michael, first up, I feel like the smuggest little cat with all the special extra episodes :) love it sooo much and hope you reach your Em-pire dreams! So, my question is around body image and learning to love it. I find it really really really hard. I make sure I don't follow anyone who would make this feeling worse for me AND YET, I can't stand to get nood or changed in front of hubs or my 4yo daughter. Teaching her that she and everyone else has to respect her body, that she is gorgeous, that she is perfect as she is yet that she will grow and change, while internally I'm picking apart my tummy, my thighs, longing for my 30 yo body (when I was longing for my 25 yo body, when I was longing for my 20 yo body, etc etc). We're about to head on holiday and the pools and beaches beckon but I feel like I'm just gonna sit on the sidelines because all the clothes and swimsuits these days have cutouts and missing fabric every-fucking-where! I won't lose weight in time... but I want to enjoy this long awaited holiday. Do you have mental tools to help "forget" my hang ups or style tips and recommended brands? Mumbod