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with Emsolation Extra

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Thoughts on the USA election

Havent had much politics chat lately.. thoughts on whats going on?

HELP! 300 Small Ducks

Hey Em & Michael (and everyone!) My best mate has 300 small ducks (think rubber ducks but tiny) that were initially purchased to be a flirty prank. The person we intended to prank then friendzoned her so now it’s up in the air. Do we still leave tiny ducks around his store? Do we do something else with them? If we do something else, what! What does one do with 300 tiny ducks?????

Drag race down under guest judge

Have you considered being a guest judge on drag race down under? Which challenge episode you want to gust judge on? What would you wear? And how do we make this happen. Can’t wait to see you in Canberra, xoxo Alex

Empty coffee cups! - What’s the dealio??

Hi Em and Michael, I have a TV/film related question that I’d love to hear your insights on. So when I’m watching shows, and the characters are holding take-away coffee cups, I can blatantly tell that the cups are empty by the way they are being held and moved around. It’s something I noticed years ago and now I can’t help but fixate on it everytime I see one! The biggest culprit show that did this multiple times per episode was Suits. I’d love to know from Michael, from his experience on his shows if he makes sure cups are full of water to create realistic movement, and I’d love to know from Em, as someone with a keen eye for detail if this is something she’s ever noticed or thought about or am I completely alone on this one!?

Kids names

Hi Em, I am interested to know the stories behind each of your kids names. They aren't your usual names and I would love to hear how you decided upon them. Emsolator Lyndal xx