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with Emsolation Extra

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Em and & Juliet

Hi Em, You mentioned a while back that you helped out with something on & Juliet, I was just curious what that was? I have seen it twice now. Loved it! Love you both, your pod’s are a joy to listen to, highlights of my week tbh. Carly, Naarm.

Best support my mother?

Hi Em and Michael *hi gay* Recently my mum has been going through some tough times and mental health issues including depression, anxiety and other things probably as well. She currently sees a psychologist and is trying to get back into the workforce but unfortunately it is very overwhelming for her. She's been a Stay at Home mum for many years and is struggling financially supporting my younger teenage boether and my father as well. While I was growing up we did have financial issues but never this bad. It's getting to the point they can't afford rent or even be able to pay for things including food. What are you best options around this? What can I do to help support my family

For Em and Scott

Hey Pals, If this is too personal, feel free to ignore this one… Around Christmas last year how was your relationship? Em, as an avid listener/insta watcher, you didn’t seem like the person you usually share with us, you seemed upset and frazzled and I noticed for a period there you weren’t wearing your wedding rings. Was that me just reading into things? Or were you in a tuff spot? Glad to see/hear you seem much better now. Sending love, Jess

Should I stay or should I go?

Hi Em and Michael Recently started a new job which is a fun game with me being diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, Autism and major depression. I recently told my work all this because I believe it will help with my wellbeing and it was greatly appreciated. However my partner on the other hand decided that they were not happy with me telling work and that they will use it against me as prejudice against my work. What are your thoughts? Your help will be greatly appreciated. Listening to the podcast is keeping me sane and concentrated while I work so thank you. - Sodor (Gay, Non-Binary Train)

Am I an arsehole mum and wife?

Am I the arsehole wife for being deeply angry and frustrated with my partner? This week my husband finally had his appt to find out about a vasectomy. Our kids are ten and fourteen. I have had a contraceptive device for years vut recently got an endometrial ablation because my periods were so heavy they ejected the Mirena - I’ve been anaemic since our son was born ten years ago. He initially wanted me to go with him to his gp appointment to find out if the recovery was tougher for me if I had my tubes tied (laparoscopic surgery, 5-6 weeks recovery) or for him having his balls snipped. I pointed out I’d had two caesareans, a colonoscopy, gastroscopy, multiple hospital admissions and CT scans thanks to a chronic health condition, two gynae procedures and three iron infusions and that I had never asked him to be there beyond being present for our children’s birth and to pick me up after anaesthetic. He took forever to get an appointment and this week booked in a vasectomy as a full surgical admission at a private hospital with a general anaesthetic. It’s more than $1,000 out of pocket. He was so mad when I got upset because he said he had it handled. Our daughter needs braces, my sister is getting married overseas next year, and he can’t just go get a vasectomy without needing to go fully asleep. Am I an arsehole for being mad?