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with Emsolation Extra

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Michael Swims?!

I'm gonna be a thirsty gay *hi gay* and ask what Michael wears to the pool? The whole debate around the chlorine towel hanging got me curious lol

Madonna or Lady Gaga

Hi Em and Michael, I love listening to your pods. In the past Madonna has criticised Lady Gaga for copying her style and music . Do you both agree with Madonna’s criticism ? Or is lady Gaga a unique unicorn ? What are your thoughts on this ? Cheers Ernesto


Em you look stunning on every video you post #goodforher, what makeup do you use? Not that we need to mask our natural beaty but still....... ! Xx

Merch idea

Hey gang just a quick enquiry I would love if you would make available Emsolation bumper stickers or just normal stickers, even a “Good for Her” “Hi Gay” “Move on” love to put you guys on my car and spread the Emsolation & Emsolation Extra Podcast around❤️ Love ya Narelle

Give up or keep trying?

Hey Em and Michael, my partner and I have been together for 2 years and in that time we have been through ALOT, but lately I have noticed that there are lot of differences in our relationship. When we both want to have kids, when we want to get married, different values that we want to pass on go our kids. Do I cut ties on the relationship or do I keep going because of the good things that we have together?