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with Emsolation Extra

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Fantasy Concert

You have one night. 3-4 of your all time favourite singers. And a set list of up to 40 songs only. Who makes the cut? What songs make the list? Which do you get up there and perform with them?

What am I doing tonight?

I'd like to know, both from Em and Mr Michael Lucas... What's your absolute dream night (out or in) and how has it changed compared to pre-kids (Em) and pre-whatever-passes-for-adulting (Michael). #asking for a friend who is trying to decide what to do with her life

Fuck boys in the F1s

Daniel Riccardo - is it just me or does he give fuck boy vibes?

Meet cute

We've heard how Em and Scott met - the first sighting, hearing his gravelly voice, the choker necklace, the seductive stretching 😂 etc. Can we hear Michael and Adrian's story? How did they meet? Who did the persuing? How involved was Em in everything etc etc. Michael I hope you're recovering well from your hip. Em, you're incredible and I don't know how you have been getting through these last few weeks, but we love you and we are all here supporting you. You give us so much and I personally appreciate it so much. Lots of love to you both xx

Ballarat Roadtrip playlist

Thanks to all 3 of my children performing in their school production on the night of the Melbourne Outgrown extravaganza, my amazing friend agreed to go to Ballarat with me so I don't miss out (what an excellent friend I have) I was wondering if you could recommend songs for the ultimate Em Rusciano playlist that will get us from the eastern suburbs of Melbourne to Ballarat & back again? Thank you so much for everything you do, can't wait to see the show in Ballarat 😀