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with Emsolation Extra

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Just an observation. I saw Scott's post on Chella and while yes, I do not diminish all the achievements and strong self discipline; I could not help but think of Odie and of the times Em has had to try to educate Scott on Odie's neurotype and how she does things differently. Mainly this came up because my kiddo struggles with formal education and I see how it hurts when she doesn't "achieve" in the ways her peers do in school but is a super intelligent, creative and amazing human. I hope Scott will be as proud and talk about Odie in a positive way.

To move or not to move

Hi Emm, I hope you're doing ok, which you're probably not, just remember what Dory sings "just keep swimming, just keep swimming" anyhoo, my question: Would you consider moving to the country if you found a great Primary school for Elio (just realised i dont know how you spell it)? If your answer is maybe i might know the perfect school 😘

Would you rather?

If you could swap bodies for a day - would you rather be a straight white male or a bin chicken

Would you rather?

All your food choices are taken away. You can have them back but have to choose one option - eat only meat for a year, or eat only lolly bananas for a week

Drag Race

Hi Em! I have been living under a rock and up until the other night I hadn’t seen any drag race. I have heard of it obviously but never watched the show. But now I’m obsessed! As I know you’re a big fan of the show I was hoping you could give me a beginners breakdown of best seasons/spin offs to watch? Or any information I should know it would be greatly appreciated. :) I tried doing a good old deep dive but I got super overwhelmed by all the info out there haha. See you in Adelaide for Outgrown! Love Kathryn