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Anon Co-worker issues

It's been discussed in our office of 3 women - all working mums, that we just discuss with each other when needing time off. Since this discussion I have always put in requests in a group chat between the 3 of us. My colleague doesn't. She goes to our 3rd (and the office manager) directly to discuss time off then it gets put into our schedule without my input. I only find out by spotting it in the calendar. I've asked my manager why I'm not included like I do and she said she's not sure. On Friday morning I put in for a couple of days off in the upcoming school holidays. My colleague had both Friday and Tuesday to discuss any issues regarding this with me if it clashed with any of her own plans. I was off yesterday and I returned to work today - she was off today. My manager tried to negotiate in the chats an arrangement where we both get a 4 day weekend. I asked my manager why this couldn't have been discussed with me direct and she said it was instigated by her to make it fair for both of us. Firstly not sure why by me wanting time off needs to be equalled amongst everyone. Secondly I am 100% sure issues with my time off was discussed on my day off on purpose. I'm not sure why she feels unsafe discussing these things with me. I'm 100% for her taking time off too and encouraged her to take off time to go interstate for a family reunion she was thinking if skipping. Should I confront her and ask if there are any issues as to why we can't discuss them between the two of us instead of using our manager as a mediator of sorts. Or should I just leave it and play her game requesting all my future time off through our manager like she does? Maybe then my manager will get jack of it and instigate a meeting to sort the issue? I don't like confrontations and tense situations plus I know I take things super personal. I get it's a her problem not me but not sure how to go about it. Please help.

Fear of failure

Hey Em and Michael Big fan here, love you both. (But Michael, please stop killing off characters - MANJU, seriously?! 😭) At the end of 2022, I finished a course that completely changed my career path. But now I'm starting up another course to become an OT. I'm excited, but I'm nervous. I have a supportive husband and great kids, but my fear of failure sits right in my gut. My question is, have either of you ever dealt with this feeling - do you have tools/strategies to help you see out of the mud? Cheers, Loz!

ND Character

Hi Michael, Question for you Would you ever write in a ND character to one of you shows? And seek guidance from Em

Q for Michael re writers strike

14 June is international day of picketing where guilds and unions across a number of countries are picketing in solidarity with the WGA. Why is Australia not participating in this? What’s the vibe with unions/negotiating in Australia when it comes to writers here?

A 5 bedrooms Q for Michael

Was it intentional to write Harry as so unlikeable? Even before his mum died, he was bordering on this.