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with Emsolation Extra

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Would you rather...

From Emsolator Anna... Would you rather: 1. Eat a fresh custard filled donut or a Portuguese tart? Still warm to the touch. 2. Have 1 stomach or 7 stomachs? Context & caveats - cows have 7(?) stomachs and because of this they can digest really indigestible things like grass. So in this scenario you can eat anything and you will have all the nutrition you need. Let's add in you won't get sick either if you have 7 stomachs. Also, you would still look like you, and not the size of a cow. If you choose 1 stomach it works as it does for you now. So you still have gluten intolerance, etc. Think about this, with you 7 stomachs you would never have to cook again. I feel like these need to be a drawback to the 7 stomachs... What should it be? Maybe you do not have the gift of being able to heat food up? Oh, actually, it takes a lot of chewing to eat grass, so your penalty of having 7 stomachs is you take 7 times longer to each anything. So you loose time. I'm going to keep pondering the 7 stomachs. Enjoy!

3 x Would you rather's

Hi Em (and team), I absolutely love your podcast, thank you! Inspired by this week's episode and your call for more "would you rather" questions... I have 3 to ask you 😊😊😊 have tried to cover all necessary extra info for your careful consideration 😅😅😅 looking forward to hearing you respond! 💜 (if they're considered entertaining enough) from Emsolator Ali 💜💜💜 1. Would you rather: Every time you used the toilet it turned into a glass box so the public could see you. Or Never have a connection with an animal ever again. Details: Toilet is always public, at least 1 person you don't know can see you use the bathroom each time. You can't obstruct the view. You can add flashing lights a mirror ball and music like an art installation. Or Animals won't see you or feel your energy. You can't pat them or connect with them physically, spirituality or emotionally. You will not receive any messages from them. You will be able to see them for 1 minute before they disappear from your vision. 2. Would you rather: Your arms fall off each time you have an orgasm or feel aroused by an erotic audio soundtrack/story. Or Your legs pop off each time you see or think about John Peter Farnham. Details: Limbs detach as if you were a doll. Pain free. No blood. You can easily attach them again after 24 hours. If you have tight clothing like a long top or leggings the limbs can stay in the clothes looking like they are connected but will not be functional. 3. Would you rather: Never have a financial worry again. Or Never have a health worry again. Details: You will have access to all the finances you and your immediate family need (husband and 3 kids). You cannot share money with extended family or friends. You have not won the lotto - you just happen to never run out of money nor have to worry about it. Or Your mind and body will easily be reset to perfect health for the rest of your life. You can access exactly what your body needs (hormones/iron/ADHD medication) through an app on your phone. A warning will flash up "low iron - top up now?" And you click "yes" to regulate what you need at the times you want. The app will automatically update as your body naturally ages. You will still have control of what you put into your body and when. This goes for physio/chiro/massage health services also, you can instantly feel the benefits from any service just through a click of a button! Thanks Em, love your work Ali xx

Will you join the Crystal Gems?

Hey Em, you recently said that you love Adventure Time. Have you seen Steven Universe?It was created by the artist who created Flame princess. It has magical destiny adventures, positive masculinity and a female led cast, did I mention it has regular musical sections? Would love to know your thoughts. Can't wait to see you in Canberra! - Russell

DCC last 2 episodes

Loved your breakdown of the first half of the DCC show and would love to know what you and Michael thought of the last 2 eps! I agreed with everything said and want to add that I think Victoria is totally ND and Reece's fiancee seemed to have a lot of green flags despite looking a bit like a potato

Long time listener, first time asker

Hi Em. Just wondering if you have heard Sabrina Carpenter's new song Espresso? How she sings her line "I'm working late cause I'm a singer" makes me think of you, Michael and pod everytime I hear it... sing-Ger! Also you have mentioned your "shit list" a bit lately, just wondering who is one the current definitive list? Anyways, I've never written into a podcast before and so I don't think you will ever see this or reply! Love the pod! Love Lauren.