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with Emsolation Extra

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Michael’s writing career

Hi Em and Michael. Thank you for the amazing work that you put out in to the world. My 9 year old daughter decided when she was 4 that she wants to be a writer. We’d love to hear about Michael’s journey in becoming the successful writer that he is today!

An ND girl in an ND world

What would the world look like were it created by ND people? How would it function? What would be the ideal world?

Michael had a straight phase?

How did you survive the straight phase? I would feel violated if I ever slept with a woman.

em’s radio career

hey em and micheal, this question is directed more towards em. I have been a long time listener of yours since the 2017 em rusciano radio show with harley breen and i just wanted to know if you and your co hosts such as harley and ed kavlee actually had an great relationship as displayed on the radio or if it was forced, if so how did you manage to create that persona everyday, was it a struggle for you. Also when looking back do you think your neurodivergence thrived in such an industry or was it even more difficult having to mask most of the time. ps. i love the podcast and your past radio shows you have helped me come in to my own as a teenager who was struggling to recognise my signs of being neurodivergent :)

Working with an diagnosed neuro, divergent child

Hey Emma and Michael, I would really love your advice Em specifically as a mother, and as someone who is neuro diverse. I am in Nanny as my profession and have worked with many types of children; older, younger, neurotypical and many magical neurodiverse children. I have also done extra study as a primary Ed Extra Aid teacher. I have a family I’m currently working with that to me it is clear at least one of their children is on the spectrum if not both children. I did bring this up with the mother as she asked me what to do about their behaviour and I suggested seeing an OT and explaining all the great benefits of doing so. She kept putting off her appointments and then I was chatting to the dad and he mentioned “I don’t believe in any of that spectrum shit” which I personally got incredibly offended. I get extremely emotional every time I work with this family because I’m trying to help their son who is constantly getting very physical with me (biting, pinching, scratching) and I know it’s not his fault but it takes it’s toll on me. I mentioned to the family that I won’t be able to continue working with them if they don’t get professional help and strategies (I have exhausted all of my own training but with only me doing these things and both parents not keeping up with it when I’m not there nothing has helped) I will have to leave them. This is the hard part…. 1. How do I live with myself knowing this poor child is going to struggle through life with parents neglecting his mental health and 2. How do I delicately tell them I’m resigning while making it clear it’s not his fault, it’s their fault? Understand if this is too much for you to answer and apologies for dumping this on you