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with Emsolation Extra

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Birthday Shout Outs

hey maybe in Extra area we could do a birthday shout out section, once a month have a 30s outro for bdays. Like the show you were talking about on the pod when we were kids just waiting to see your name.

Mirena Follow up

Hey Em, I need a mirena follow up - did you do it? whats it been like? My Dr is pushing it when i go, thinks we should all do that through menopause.

How was your day question for neurodivergent kids

Any tips on how to ask meaningful questions to neurodivergent kids on how was their day? If I ask "how was your day", they say, "ask me a question about my day" and then I seem to ask the wrong questions because all I get is one word responses. Would love to hear what questions I could ask that have worked for you Em to get more insights!

Neurodivergent or nah?

Wondering if any other emsolaters constantly have conversations in your head, for both sides of the conversation (yours and the other person) before they have happened to prepare your response? And after to replay would you would have said ? But then totally dissociate in the actual conversation and not say anything you have "prepared"? Asking for a friend...

Most defining moments in life

What are some of your most life defining moments? Ones that have really made you stop and change your path or something etc.