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Em's Response to Emmy nomination

Hi Em and Michael Michael, congratulations again on the Emmy nomination. What was Em's response when you told her that Newsreader was up for the Emmy?

JJJ Like A Version

I'm obsessed with JJJ like a version. I'd love to know Em/Michaels favourite LAV covers. I have many but can't go past anything Paul Dempsey touches - what a voice. And also find out what song Em would do if she got the chance. Thanks so much!

Ellen doco on Netflix

hello Em & M , I have just watched Ellen’s new show on Netflix , hoping you have too . I can’t help but feel her story of being a bully/diva sounds all too familiar and maybe she was judged too harshly . Would love your thoughts, love you long time ,Emsolator extra extra subscriber Jo

Em and Michael: Fuck, Marry, Kill

Hello! I have a Fuck, Marry, Kill for each of Em and Michael. Em's is Beyonce, Madonna and John Farnham. Michaels is Madonna, Beyonce and Lady Gaga. Hope it isn't too easy (because wheres the fun in that??) love all your work! Bec x

Ama for Em and Michael: forced career choice

Hello Em, Michael, Ben and everyone! My question for Em and Michael is: If you could pick the next big project for each other in your careers, and they had to do it, what would you force them to do? Thank you! Bec x