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with Emsolation Extra

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Re: Idol

Did you have any say over the songs you sang (both in the audition and the shows themselves)?

Early early podcast episode?

Hi Em and Michael, in around 2010/2011 I spotted Em lunching with a mystery male friend in a cafe on High Street Northcote. Would this have been Michael and should I therefore have moved closer to you so that I could have listened to an early edition of the pod?

AITA (no, my husband is the ahole…)

My husband works in quite an individualised field, and often his work needs to come before the needs of our family, which I am 100% on board with, because I am aware of what we have signed up for. I (as most women in a hetero relationship will relate to) carry the mental load of our household, and organise everything. We have 3 calendars in our house, two physical, and one linked to both our phones. I have communicated with my husband multiple times the importance of using the calendar, I’m not expecting him to use all 3 - literally any of them - I will check them all. It has been a contentious issue many times before, I’m expected to do all the organising, but often do not get all the information I need to be able to do that. Our daughter will turn 5 soon, so we organised a birthday party for her. We discussed the date verbally, and I checked all 3 calendars. I booked it in, paid the deposit and sent out invitations. 2 weeks out from the birthday party, I have now found out FROM FACEBOOK that my husband’s work is having an open day on the day of the party, at literally the same time. I have had a giant meltdown, about the fact this was not communicated to me, and that I have found out via social media. My husband acknowledges that I should be annoyed about this, but thinks it has more to do with missing the birthday party. I don’t particularly care about him missing the birthday party (it is not on her actual birthday so he will be there for that), I am a strong, independent woman and don’t need his help, but I am FURIOUS to have found out via social media, and feel totally disrespected. My husband just keeps reiterating he’s not good with dates or calendars. AITA for being angry about this? And follow up question, how in the heck do I get him to buy in with some kind of calendar/do you have some kind of recommendation for a calendar that might work for him?! Love the show, appreciate all the hard work you all put in!

Am I the asshole - Christmas edition

Hi Team Am I the asshole? Every year for Christmas my family buy me useless gifts… I tell them I don’t need anything so don’t buy anything and they still buy me crap!! One year I got thongs (flip flops) even though I already had 2 pairs.. ome year I got a beach kit, when I’m not a beach person… one year I got given a frank green bottle (great gift!!) but I already had 2 bottles… (cue Elio WTFH) I’m a big hater of waste so I always make sure if I’m getting someone a gift, it’s something they want/need or a gift voucher so they can use it when they need something. This year I told my family that I wanted travel jewellery boxes - just 2 small ones - (from Lovisa as I’m not fazed by brands) and they proceeded to google different ones or more expensive ones. I said NO!! I just want the lovisa ones!! I don’t think they appreciated it but I don’t want them to spend money on something I don’t need or spend more than they should! Am I an asshole for speaking up and asking for something specific??

AMA - Offspring Final Season

Hi Michael (and Em), I loved Offspring so much, my favourite scene of any TV show or movie ever is when Nina is in the gay club dancing thinking she is in a music film clip/ musical but in reality is dancing as coordinated as I am! It is my roman empire.... My question is, how involved were you in the writing of the final season of Offspring? I know you mentioned in one of the earlier Emsolation eps a year or so ago that you were not involved as much, but wanting to know if there was any tea you are able to spill about it/ the direction it ended up taking? Side note: ghost Patrick was a great choice and you should standby it!