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with Emsolation Extra

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em’s radio career

hey em and micheal, this question is directed more towards em. I have been a long time listener of yours since the 2017 em rusciano radio show with harley breen and i just wanted to know if you and your co hosts such as harley and ed kavlee actually had an great relationship as displayed on the radio or if it was forced, if so how did you manage to create that persona everyday, was it a struggle for you. Also when looking back do you think your neurodivergence thrived in such an industry or was it even more difficult having to mask most of the time. ps. i love the podcast and your past radio shows you have helped me come in to my own as a teenager who was struggling to recognise my signs of being neurodivergent :)

Michael had a straight phase?

How did you survive the straight phase? I would feel violated if I ever slept with a woman.

An ND girl in an ND world

What would the world look like were it created by ND people? How would it function? What would be the ideal world?

Michael’s writing career

Hi Em and Michael. Thank you for the amazing work that you put out in to the world. My 9 year old daughter decided when she was 4 that she wants to be a writer. We’d love to hear about Michael’s journey in becoming the successful writer that he is today!

Baby name - Advice please?

I have a baby name that I'm dying to use if I have a girl. But it's the feminine version of my brother's middle name. Do I have to ask him? How do I ask? He's not in a relationship and, to my knowledge has not none on the way. I don't want to be an asshole, first and foremost. We're not super close but I do respect him. As a neurodiverse magic brained lass myself, and pregnant with #2, I'm spiralling. Help?