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with Emsolation Extra

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Outgrown arena spectacular

Hi Em, I already have a ticket to the Melbourne outgrown show this month, is the arena show the same production? Thanks x

Would you Rather:

Hey Em, So as my partner likes to call it (that late night absolutely unhinged unfiltered brain that comes with ADHD) my gremlin/goblin brain. It basically somehow ended up down a thought cycle my partner did not appreciate. But i felt that you’d enjoy this would you rather or offer a good thought and exploration into your reasoning Would you rather sleep with Oscar the Grouch or the Grinch? I put this to my partner he looked at me with a WTF look and wanted to know what leads me to these thoughts 😂 Emsolator Bec

What are some things you always splurge on verses save on?

Menopausia AND Estrogenia

Hi Em, Just wondering if there os any chance Menopausia AND Estrogenia will both make an appearance at Mariah Carey Arena? After seeing Estrogenia at Ballarat I think she defintely needs to make it to another show! (I do understand she would have cost alot for the night) Can't wait to see your Outgrown show again in December! Very excited!!

I'm a video convert... are there lots of us?

Hi Em and Michael, thanks for the company over the years, I've listened loved since the beginning and I have an analytics question... I don't want you to give away the hard numbered secrets, but I'm super curious as to a loose break down of people who listen to the podcast versus watching it. When the video version first came out I was a bit ambivalent, and not terribly interested, but I've been surprised to have been converted to it and now I save up the eps till I'm in front of the tv an LOVE it! AND I am an Extra Extra subscriber too so I can watch the sealed section! Would you be able to give us a loose breakdown of watchers versus listeners? Or chuck up a poll to ask if people... [dramatic gasp] do both? (I do if there's a long wait between the drop and my couch)? Thanks!! Emsolator Dee