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Michael, how to help a young writer?

Hey Michael, I have a 14 year old aspiring screenwriter who particularly loves creating and exploring diverse characters. She has been both performing and writing from a very young age, she just had a scene accepted in her high school drama program. (don’t read this out - she’s at Eltham High and is only in year 8, got into the troupe that go to Adelaide Fringe this year for drama and is now writing for the plays). She loves to perform too - she is in musical theatre stage school - but her passion right now lies in the writing and crwation. She has big dreams of writing both animated and live action shows one day. As parents we’ve invested in anything we could to help her pursue her dreams but I am stuck on the writing front. What do you recommend for a young aspiring screen writer to help them pursue those dreams and potentially get into uni doing this? (Secretly I see her as the next gen Alice Oseman, the aussie version, with a sci fi animation tweak to the queer love story ;) )

Good For Her Awards

Not so much a question but rather a suggestion. At the end of year show, you should give out the Goodest For Her award to the her that has done the goodest this year. Just a thought, love youse lots, Jack xoxo

Tay Tay correspondent

If you ever need a Taylor correspondent who is totally unhinged and knows everything that has ever happened and every theory in existence, I am your girl 😉 Not joking, my Taylor knowledge would dominate Michael’s Madonna knowledge. Love you guys!!! Xxx

Michael's Relationship with Em's Kids

Hi Em and Michael, Love the podcast! I have a question Michael about your relationship with Em's kids. When you talk about Em's kids and when you are on mic with Chella, you seem to have such a great bond - which is lovely to hear and something that I find quite inspirational. Some background - I'm a 34-year-old female who's friends are all starting to have kids. I love kids, but I don't see myself having any of my own. So far my friends kids are all babies and toddlers, and I have a love of animals and wear a lot of sequins - which has made me popular with them thus far! I would love to know how you have created your own relationship with Em's kids as they grew up? I look at my friend's kids as an opportunity to have kids in my life without having my own, and I want to get it right. I'm an only child so haven't grown up around generations of younger kids etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Rachael Xx

Tv Show inspiration

Hi Michael, What tv show really inspired you into becoming a a writer? Love your work!