Ask Me Anything

with Emsolation Extra

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The Zombie Apocalypse

Hi Em! The Zombie Apocalypse comes and your at the studio recording the pod with all the team. Scott and the Kids are safe. You need to allocate the roles; who's in charge of; Weapons; Defences; Hunting for Food; Treating the Wounded; Boosting Morale; Descovering the Key to Saving the World? Love You Katie

Spill the tea

Hi Em, I was intrigued during your Katy Perry music video breakdown when you side quested to the Tania g-string lewk. Can their be any tea spilling on Tania Buckley and what sounds like the power split from her ex? Love ya! Anna

Am I a prude?

Hi Em. I was listening to Extra on my way home from work today and your question about why Katy Perry's wardrobe team can't find her a top that fits triggered a similar question in me that I have been asking for at least a couple of seasons: Why are women showing their butts in swim wear now? First, I noticed they were pulling and tucking in the sides to give themselves what had to have felt like an atomic wedgie. I still see a bit of that action despite the fact that now it seems this is just how swim wear companies are manufacturing them! These bathing chaps are a bee's dick away from a G-string! I feel compelled to protect my children's innocence and cover their eyes while trying to take them out for a wholesome family adventure to the beach or local pool! I in no way want to shame anyone's body but I feel very affronted by all the bare bottoms. What is happening? What movement have I missed? Am I a prude? Is there some kind of internal politically incorrect wiring I am unaware of in me? Side note: I am the Sheridan who is married to Nathan - you know the one... I have wanted to give an update on my Am I the Arsehole, as you requested both on the pod and at the live podcast, but that was difficult for some time - which I would explain, if anyone wanted to know. But by the time I had something to report, I thought that so much time has passed, does anyone even care now? Also, I've noticed a move towards some lighter content in the AMAs lately, which has not been a bad thing at all. Anyhoo... Thanks for being awesome and congrats on Outgrown!!

Clothesline positions & Would You Rather Qs

Hey Em, I’m the Emsolator who asked the question about Liz Hurley and her son. Just wanted to say a belated thank you for such a great Ok! Stop! on that topic. I have a new question for you. This is a completely first world problem (for which I’m very very grateful to have) but I’d love your opinion on where to put our clothesline. We’ve never had an in-the-ground one and, being just north of Sydney, we are able to pop our portable ones outside in Summer and then bring them in in Winter. But… we’ve finally bought one of those ones you can fold down and I’m trying to figure out where to put it. Do we: A) Put it on the flat, undercover (so no sun) spot directly across from our back doors; but therefore visible from the living/dining/kitchen space? Or b) put it up in the garden, in mostly sun, but on a slope and about 10m away from the back doors - so, not visible but also slightly more annoying to get to (we have a steep driveway that runs up the side of our house so it’d mean walking up that). I know this is so ridiculous really and I’m incredibly grateful to have this be what’s on my mind today. But I’d love your advice. Put it where I can see it (and will therefore be more likely to actually use it; but it won’t get any sun?) or put it in a sunny, more difficult to get to spot? Also… found these fabulous Would You Rathers I’d also love to hear you talk through: Would you rather always have an eyelash in your eye or always have a hair in your butt crack? Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout? Would you rather not be able to control your laughter, or not be able to control your tears? Would you rather only be able to speak in riddles or have to sing every sentence? Would you rather have to communicate only in emojis for a day or speak in rhyme for a week? Would you rather have to communicate solely through interpretive dance for a day or speak only in puns for a week? Thanks!! Can’t wait to see you tonight in Syd xx

Thoughts on Autistic representation in mainstream media

Hey Em, curious to hear your take on the new ABC show, Austin, featuring the talented Autistic actor Michael Theo. Another addition to the collection of neurodivergent white male characters, but is it a step in the right direction for genuine autistic representation? Does Michael Theo's performance brings a new level of representation to mainstream media? - Yannon